What actually is telepathy???
Here we will discover about telepathy, the predictions and the practices for it.
Now here the very first question arrive in our mind after listening the word 'telepathy' is, what actually it is?
So here is the simple definition of telepathy.
The ability to read others mind and transmitting messages and informations from one's mind to other. Telepathy often happens between two people where one is the the sender and the other is the receiver.
Scientists are finding the reason and proof for telepathy. Hence it is is yet not proven that telepathy do exists.
We may feel telepathic actions in ourselves.
The very known example is like someone is going to call us but somehow we remember that person at the very same moment and decide to call them from our side.
Now here telepathy works. The person is going to call us and we remember them. This is a kind of message passed between two bodies. Telepathy is much like telephone but the difference is we don't use any kind of sound or speech to transmit our message in telepathy.
Now the question is how is it done?
So some of the the very known practices which the scientists and the people in the earlier times have tried are mentioned here.
One thing we should keep in mind that the the person who are performing telepathy should believe in that. Like the people should not doubt about the existence of telepathy and they should also not doubt on their selves.
People and saints in the earlier time use to meditate. Remember meditation is the key for any mental activity. You need to make your mind stable and calm. You need to keep patience. Remember that anything requires practice, patience and dedication, so as telepathy requires. It is not something which can be done overnight. Years of practice and patience is needed. The receiver as well as the sender should be totally, physically and mentally relaxed.
You should think like you are talking to the receiver. Try to feel that the person to whom you are committing your message is present with you. Try to feel the person and try to to feel the the relation. Once you are done you should not doubt that weather the message is sent or not.Always remember that practice makes a man perfect and meditation is the key to success. Never try to think that it would be done overnight. We all are are blessed with telepathic powers. These powers are present in us. All you have to do to is to enhance these powers and try to know about your mind and yourself. Remember that mind is the the best thing to explore and once you understand your mind then you are totally in your control.
Hope you like the information provided. These were my views on telepathy, share yours in the comments and share these informations with others.